How to set glowing effects on html elements via css?
Posted On : Aug 19, 2020text-shadow and box-shadow properties can be used for this. text-shadow property applicable for texts while box-shadow is used for html elements like tables, divs and images. Example usages of both properties are below.
/* text-shadow property which applied to h1 (header text) element. */
/* The first parameter of text-shadow property defines how much the shadow will be shifted into the right in pixels while the second parameter defines how much will it be shifted into the bottom. Third parameter defines shadow width and fourth parameter defines its color. */
/* The glow (text-shadow) effect with 5px width, gold colored and no shifted (centered to element). */
h1 {
text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px gold;
/* box-shadow property which applied to img (image) element which has "landscape" id (#). */
/* The glow (box-shadow) effect with 5px shifted to right, 10px shifted to bottom, 10px width and yellowgreen colored. */
img#landscape {
box-shadow: 5px 10px 10px yellowgreen;